
Another Solar Farm Proposal – Burnett, Middlepiece Lane

Another Solar Farm planning proposal has been submitted to BANES – by Conrad Energy (Developments) II Limited

Expiry for Consultation    10/08/2024

Application Reference: 24/02489/EFUL
Application Address: Parcel 1643, Middle Piece Lane, Burnett, Keynsham, Bath And North East Somerset,
Proposal: Installation, operation and decommissioning of renewable energy generating station comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays together with transformer stations, site accesses, internal access tracks, security measures, access gates, other ancillary infrastructure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements.
Planning Portal Reference: PP-12693843
Application Received: 01/07/2024
Application Status: Pending Consideration

2 thoughts on “Another Solar Farm Proposal – Burnett, Middlepiece Lane

  1. It would be hard to find a more unsuitable location for a small solar farm let alone this huge proposal.
    Despite bizarre suggestions that few panels would be visible the reality is that all the panels and especially the sloping escarpment will ensure this ugly wholly inappropriate installation will be extremely visible – Even after many years of screening vegetation growth the panels will ruin the rural setting of Burnett a unique architectural gem which should be preserved for future generations. Having campaigned for 40 years to try to preserve Burnett heritage and setting I find this proposal utterly obscene. Trying to justify industrialisation on the climate crisis is a joke as the here are many more suitable locations. Further more I asked for the planting of trees as part of the Millennium celebrations and these would
    Now be a quarter of a century old and mature enough to
    Provide some screening also it must be a stipulation of any application that mature screening Must be in place before any application- even if planted last year that would be one more
    Year towards effective screening. I urge all to reject this completely insensitive planning application. I understand the applicant stands to
    Make a substantial financial benefit but at what cost to the rest of us and for a generation to come. Yes to solar but in appropriate locations

    1. Thank you for your thoughts – we are fighting the good fight to get these things stopped from being built on good food producing farmland.

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