
New Woodland at Wick Farm – 18th February update

A local charity – Avon Needs Trees – is planning to acquire Wick Farm on Rankers Lane and create a new woodland to be called Lower Chew Forest.

The new woodland would comprise some 100,000 new trees and and is intended to join up Lords Wood, Atgrove Wood and Common Wood to create a new habitat corridor.

As this is still in the planning stage, Avon Needs Trees are having a series of public information evenings, the next one for Marksbury will be:

18th April at 6pm – 7:30pm

Marksbury Village Hall

If you would like to attend please head to the avon needs trees website, click ‘get involved’ then choose ‘events’ from the drop down menu to book your place.

Alternatively you can just show up on the day itself.

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